Course Summary
In this course we will examine the importance that LED lighting and user-friendly controls play in enhancing todays learning environment. This presentation will also discuss industry benchmarks for luminaire design, specification criteria, and key features related to occupant health and wellness. Lastly, we will examine prior research from a Department of Energy-funded study where teachers, administrators, and other users shared insightful feedback that led to the design and implementation of a user-friendly lighting control solution suited to meet the needs of modern learning environments.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will:
Explore design trend, learning formats, and new technologies being implemented in modern learning environments
Understand the true value of lighting to support modern learning environments
Examine quality benchmarks for luminaire design and specification
Discuss Department of Energy funded research on advanced user-friendly lighting controls
Evaluate further research on Tunable Lighting and User-friendly controls in a trial study conducted in three classrooms in the Folsom Cordova Unified School District